Scroll down for the Arabic abstract. The study aims to identify the characteristics of religious identity discourse in Egyptian online newspapers (e-newspapers) in the context of the “War on Terror”. Factors and variables contributing to a crisis of religious identity, in addition to recommendations to manage this crisis, are identified …
Read More »Participation and National Identity Building through Arab State Electronic Portals: A Comparative Study (Arabic)
Scroll down for the Arabic abstract. This study explores the role of Arab government portals in expressing the state’s construction of national identity and enhancing the platforms and tools of e-participation; including e-information, e-consultation, and e-decision making. The study analyzes 22 portals to explore the types of information and participation …
Read More »Video Cairo Sat: Breaking New Ground as Usual, But This Time on Nilesat
It isn't enough that every well-known super-successful private sector Egyptian businessman probably has at least one or more TVRO (TV Receive Only) satellite dishes on his roof and could conceivably be subscribing to Orbit and/or Showtime and/or ART's lstNet, not to mention scanning the more interesting free-to-air properties available to …
Read More »Can Sleepy Set-Top Boxes Ever Be Sexy?
Malcolm Miller, CEO of innovative set-top box-maker Pace Micro Technology, speaking to a group of industry investors in June, summed up the problem facing his market sector, "There are people out there who are buying smart new silver [cellular] phones at "350 each with [little extra benefits] over a 10 …
Read More »The Impact of Regional Trade Pacts on Foreign TV Enterprises in Latin America
In the 1990s, most countries south of the Rio Grande"with the notable exception of Cuba"initiated a liberalization process marked by intense privatization, fall of protectionist barriers and alliance to neighboring countries in regional trade pacts. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994, the Mercado Comun del Sur (Mercosur) …
Read More »The Influence of U.S. Media Use and Demographic Factors on Argentine Men and Women About Perceptions of U.S. Lifestyle
Introduction "All international business activity involves communication" (Martin and Chaney, 1992, p. 268). Thus cross cultural business communication has become increasingly important over the past decade and a half. A major factor is the growth of international trade. The combined value of import and export trade for the U.S. grew …
Read More »Imprisoned Egyptian Photojournalist Receives Award
July 19, 2016—The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) awarded one of its four 2016 International Press Freedom Awards to freelance photojournalist Mahmoud Abou Zeid “Shawkan” yesterday. The other recipients are journalists from India, Turkey, and El Salvador who have also faced “threats, legal action, and imprisonment” in the course of their work.
Read More »تقديم العدد…
تقديم العدد… نبيل فهمي - عميد كلية الشئون الدولية والسياسات العامة ووزير خارجية مصر الأسبق. إنه لمن دواعي سعادتي أن أكتب المقدمة الافتتاحية للعدد الأول من الدورية الالكترونية نصف السنوية Arab Media & Society الصادرة عن مركز كمال أدهم للصحافة الرقمية والتلفزيونية التابع لكلية الشئون الدولية والسياسات العامة، والتي تنشر …
اقرا المزيد »نبذة عن ورشة التعاطي الإعلامي مع ظاهرة التطرف والإرهاب
قدمت د.علياء داود المدرس بكلية الإعلام في الجامعة الحديثة للعلوم والآداب، نبذة عن الأبحاث والدراسات التي قدمت في ورشة "التعاطى الإعلامى مع ظاهرة التطرف والإرهاب" التي أقيمت فى تونس فى أبريل 2015م.. نظمها اتحاد إذاعات الدول العربية الذي يقع تحت مظلة جامعة الدول العربية، وأكدت أهمية تدريب العاملين فى وسائل الإعلام للتعامل مع القضايا المتعلقة بالإرهاب والأمن القومي وضرورة الرجوع لمصادر موثوق بها قبل النشر، وعدم تقديم تحليلات تخدم أغراض الإرهابيين
اقرا المزيد »A Marriage of Misunderstanding
In April 2014, Egypt’s then foreign minister Nabil Fahmy used a marriage simile to describe the country’s relationship with the United States. At home, the expression didn’t translate. Muhammad Y Gamal discusses the challenges associated with media translation, and makes a case for the development of a coherent media translation policy in Egypt.
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