BBC Monitoring
Text of report by Iraqi TV station Al-Iraqiyah TV on 22 November
The Iraqi media network has launched the Al-Fallujah FM radio in Al-Anbar Province with the aim of promoting the culture of dialogue and co-existence among all Iraqis. For their part, the citizens expressed their joy at this move which indicates the return of stability and improvement of the security situation in the province.
[TV reporter Shawqi Salih] In the presence of the police chief and the Al-Fallujah TV and radio director and with participation of a crowd of citizens, the Al-Fallujah FM radio - which is part of the Iraqi media network - was launched. It is a new achievement to be added to what has been achieved in the Iraqi free media.
[Unidentified Iraqi official] This radio will make the voice of the Al-Fallujah population heard inside and outside Iraq. We congratulate ourselves before we congratulate the Al-Fallujah radio.
[Unidentified second Iraqi official] I wish its director and staff every success in their work.
[Salih] The c! itizens have expressed their joy at this move which came as a result of improvement in the security situation in Al-Anbar Province after it was purged of the misguided gangs.
[Iraqi citizen] The launch of the Al-Fallujah radio is a great precedent, especially with the service it will provide to the city's population. The city's population can voice their concerns through this radio.
[Iraqi journalist] The city's population deserves more than this because they have played a part in lending stability to this heroic city. As a journalist, I hope this radio will contribute in raising awareness and cohesion among the population.
[Salih] The launch of the Al-Fallujah FM radio represents a voice of genuine love and fraternity which bond the various components of the sons of the unified Iraqi people.
Source: Al-Iraqiyah TV, Baghdad, in Arabic 1222 gmt 22 Nov 07