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Media and Crisis: An Arab Media & Society Symposium

On Wednesday, November 15, 2017, the Adham Center and Arab Media & Society hosted a symposium on “Media and Crisis”. The event involved a panel discussion with Makram Mohammed Ahmed, head of the Supreme Council for Media Regulation, Dr. Abdel Monem Said, renowned writer and political analyst, and Zeid Al Sabban, Director of Africa and Arab-Africa Cooperation at the League of Arab States. The event was moderated by Adham Center Director and Professor of Journalism, Dr. Hussein Amin.

The symposium, which was held at Oriental Hall in AUC’s Tahrir Campus, was standing room only; widely attended by dignitaries, including representatives from the government and US Embassy, academics, journalists, and international and local students from several universities. It was also well covered by local media including Al Ahram, Al Masry Al Youm, El Watan, and many others.

Speakers discussed the role of the Supreme Council for Media Regulation in dealing with crises, media and crisis in Egypt and the Arab region, as well as the responsibility to accurately and effectively report on critical events, and finally media and crisis in Sudan and the Horn of Africa. This discussion was followed by questions from the audience.

“Media and Crisis: An Arab Media & Society Symposium” was organized in advance of the publication of our Winter/Spring 2018 issue of the same name, due out in January. This was the journal’s first event since launching our print edition in October.

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