Abstract This article examines how the Houthi rebels in Yemen use tribal poetry as a propaganda platform to influence public opinion about the current war crisis in the country. By digitalizing Yemeni oral popular poetry, zamil, in the form of motivational war songs and YouTube videos, the Houthi militia group …
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The Impact of Social Media on Arab Health Risk Perception during COVID-19
Abstract During the pandemic, social media became a repository for information obtained through official pages of governments in charge. Official and unofficial news sources occasionally featured false or misleading news.This study focuses on Arab audiences from the MENA region, aiming to investigate their social media usage, reliance, and impact during …
Read More »An Analysis of Yemeni Online Journalism Discourse on the COVID-19 Pandemic (Arabic)
Scroll down for Arabic abstract. This study investigates how Yemeni online journalism has dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic. The study analyzes four of online news websites that represent the various political actors in Yemen. These websites include Al-Thawra Net (Sana’a and Riyadh editions), Al-Sahwa Net, and Aden Today. The researchers …
Read More »Book Review | Routledge Handbook on Arab Media
First Edition - Edited By Noureddine Miladi, Noha Mellor (Routledge, 2020) The Routledge Handbook on Arab Media is an encyclopedic depiction of the history, roles, models of ownership, and regulations of print, broadcast, and online media in 20 Arab countries out of the 22 Arab countries represented in the Arab …
Read More »Journalism and Media Education in Times of Conflict: Three Cases from the Arab Region
Abstract This paper examines the journalism and media education programs in three countries in the Arab region (Libya, Syria, Yemen) that have been or are still in the throes of civil wars and/or polarization along conflicting political ideologies and control of different geographical zones. Based on an online questionnaire distributed …
Read More »The Relationship Between Internet Use among Young Yemenis and their Awareness of Electronic Rumors about Current Events (Arabic)
Scroll down for the Arabic abstract. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the use of internet applications by young people in Yemen and their level of awareness of electronic rumors about current events and conflict in the country. To achieve this objective, the survey method was used and …
Read More »Evaluating Effectiveness of Social Marketing and Social Media Strategies for Public Health Campaigns (Arabic)
Scroll down for the Arabic abstract. This study is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the national awareness campaign for preventing and combating the cholera crisis in Yemen using social marketing and communication. The study relied on the case study methodology, using qualitative and quantitative methods to monitor and analyze …
Read More »اليمن وصراع البقاء، قراءة إعلامية في الأزمة اليمنية الحديثة
تمهيد: إن الأزمات المتلاحقة في اليمن - سواء السياسية أو الاقتصادية أو الصراع القبلي - ليست وليدة اللحظة، بل هي مستمرة منذ أن عُرفت اليمن، وكتب عنها الكُتّاب والسياسيون والمتخصصون والإعلاميون في كل فترة من فترات الصراع. ونحن اليوم نواجه أوج هذه الأزمات وأشدها على مجتمع عربي يمني بسيط حُرم …
اقرا المزيد »Saudi Arabia and Iran: The Tale of Two Media Covering Conflict in Yemen
Anne Hagood says that at least on the media front Iran and Saudi Arabia have been fighting a proxy war in northern Yemen, taking advantage of the Houthi rebellion to promote their political visions to the detriment of their geostrategic competitors.
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