BBC Monitoring
Text of report by populist Sudanese newspaper Al-Watan on 18 December
The chairman of the board of directors of Al-Madd al-Jadid newspaper issued by the [former rebel] Sudan People's Liberation Movement's [SPLM] northern sector and the sector's information secretary, Deng Goj, has said that the Press and Publications Council [PPC] has suspended the paper's publication.
In a statement to Al-Watan yesterday, Goj said the council had handed the newspaper a letter demanding it cease publication until it conformed to PPC conditions. He said the PPC further summoned the printing press owner and asked him not to print Al-Mad al-Jadid. Goj said the council's procedure was unacceptable because the newspaper was an organizational release that was distributed to SPLM offices and was not for sale. He said the paper had further been approved by the Government of Southern Sudan and asked how one [political] party could seek approval to publish its releases from another.
In this regard, the PCP's secretary general Dr Hashim al-Jaz said ! the council had not approved any SPLM release. "The law prohibits any local release, that is not approved, from being published," he said adding that the council had asked those responsible for Al-Mad al-Jadid to take the necessary approval procedures to allow them to issue the publication.
Source: Al-Watan, Khartoum, in Arabic 18 Dec 07