Arab Media & Society welcomes contributions from around the world on selected themes and topics pertaining to the dynamic media landscape across the Arab world. Research papers to be considered for peer-reviewed publication should be submitted via e-mail, to the Editor at ( Research papers for peer-review consideration should be between 4000-10000 words, including abstract, bibliography, notes, title, and subheadings. All submissions for peer-review consideration will be double-blind refereed. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches are welcome. Arab Media & Society continuously challenges the boundaries of communication research, guiding its readers to new questions, new evidence, and new conclusions. We accept submissions focusing on particular themes set forth by the issue’s Call for Papers. Arab Media & Society is indexed by Scopus-Elsevier.
Arab Media & Society’s online version is fully open access. Print copies of the journal are available. For inquiries, please contact the editorial team. There are no fees for submissions or publication in this journal.
Articles should be original and not under consideration by any other publication. They should be written in a clear concise style. Full articles and all correspondence with respect to any aspect of editorial policy should always be addressed to the Editor via e-mail. Please send all inquiries to
- We are only able to accept articles submitted electronically. All articles should be submitted as a Word file. Please ensure that your submission is anonymized and append a word count - inclusive of abstract, references, appendices, and all notes. We do not accept submission over 10,000 words. Should you submit an article above the word count, you will be requested to revise and resubmit. Articles which are currently under consideration with other journals will not be considered.
- The review process is often lengthy and is likely to take at least two months. Please be patient and do not inquire about the progress of your article until after that time has elapsed. If revisions are requested, you should send the revised version to Once an article is accepted for publication, you will be asked to supply two electronic files (one Word and one PDF) to the editors. You will also be asked to complete a copyright form. Please note the editors' decision is final. While we often provide explanation for rejection, we are under no obligation to do so. We welcome submissions from authors with previously rejected work, however previously rejected submissions will not be considered.
- All submissions should be in 12 pt. font, preferably in Times New Roman and double-spaced, with justified margins. All publication names and transliterations should be italicized, all article titles should be in quotation marks. In-text citations should be used for regular citations following the Chicago Manual of Style. Where footnotes are necessary, they should be numbered consecutively and should be set as footnotes rather than endnotes; they should be in 10 pt., Times New Roman, and justified. Bibliography should be listed separately at the end of the article rather than in footnotes.
- Transliterated Arabic should follow the US Library of Congress style guide, which can be found here.
- Quotations should be put in double inverted commas. A quotation within a quoted passage should have single inverted commas. Punctuation always precedes closing quotation marks in the case of a quotation or a full sentence.
- When using numerals, write numbers 1-10 in words except in references and footnotes.
- The abbreviations e.g. and i.e. may be used in footnotes but should be expanded in the text to ‘for example’ and ‘that is’. Initial e.g. in a footnote should be lowercase.
Authors whose work does not conform to these guidelines will be requested to modify their manuscripts accordingly.
Copyright and permissions: Submissions must be original work and should not have been published in full, abridged, or other form elsewhere. It is a condition of publication in the Journal that authors grant exclusive license to Arab Media & Society. Any requests from third parties to reproduce articles should be sent to This will allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible and will protect the rights of the author. In granting an exclusive license, authors may use their own material in other publications provided that Arab Media & Society is acknowledged as the original publisher.
Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the relevant authorities for the reproduction of any illustration or extract, for both print and online formats. Authors are responsible for any reproduction costs or permission fees incurred. Authors must ensure that all permission inquiries and copyright forms are completed before submitting to the Journal. For a copyright prose work, permission should be obtained for the use of extracts longer than 400 words.
Refereeing: Peer-reviewed articles are always double-blind refereed. Generally, articles are sent to at least two scholars with relevant expertise for comments. Anonymity is accorded to both authors and referees.
Opinion: The views expressed in Arab Media & Society are those of the respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect those of the publication, editorial team, Editorial and Advisory Board, or the American University in Cairo.
Abstract and Author Information: An abstract of no more than 150 words should be submitted with the original paper. If the paper is written in Arabic, an Arabic abstract should be submitted in addition to an English translation of the abstract and title. It is the author’s responsibility to check the accuracy of the abstract translation before submission. The abstract should provide a basic introduction to the subject matter; a brief account of the background of the work; a statement of the main conclusions; and 2 sentences that place the main findings in a general context. Authors should provide at least three carefully selected keywords listed below the abstract that identify the content of the submission. Authors must include their full name as it should appear on the publication, along with a short biography of no more than 40 words, stating their profession, affiliation, and area of research expertise.
Images and Captions: All illustrations, photographs, diagrams, maps, etc. should follow the same numerical sequence and be shown as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Appropriate sources must be credited. Copyright clearance should be indicated by the contributor and is always the responsibility of the contributor. When submitted on a separate sheet or file, an indication must be given as to where they should be placed in the text. Reproduction will be in greyscale (or black-and-white). All images must be supplied electronically and need to have a resolution of at least 12 dpm (dots per millimeter)- or 300dpi (dots per inch). Tables should be supplied either in the Word document of the main text or as separate Word documents. Tables with text within images will need to have a high final resolution of 48 dpm. Diagrams can be supplied as JPEG, PNG, or Acrobat PDF documents. If a mistake is identified in a diagram, authors will be required to amend and re-supply.
Translation: With an objective to make Arab media information globally available, AMS has launched a new initiative to translate all Arabic articles into English. The translation service grants a global presence to authors and their research. If an article is selected for translation, the author will be informed, and their consent requested prior to the translation process. Once translation takes place, the papers are reviewed once more by our Editorial board and Editors to ensure accuracy of information and academic terminology/language. Translation is done at no cost for the authors.
Referencing Guide:
Arab Media & Society has adopted the Chicago Manual of Style for academic paper referencing. Your bibliography should be in alphabetical order, and authors’ names should be cited as they appear in the texts. Do not replace first names with initials unless the names appear this way on the title page of the source. If no author is listed, organize the entry alphabetically by title. Below are instructions for using the Chicago Manual of Style to cite different sources. It is important to read through these instructions before beginning to write your paper. For additional information or for instructions on proper citing of sources, please visit, or see one of these books, or a more recent edition:
- University of Chicago Press. 2013. The Chicago Manual of Style. 16th ed. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.
Citations. All citations should be in-text (author-date). In-text citations should be in Chicago Style in the following manner: (Smith 2013), (Johnson & Smith 2013) and up to five authors are listed in the first citation in-text. Subsequent citations for works with three authors or more will use the short form such as (Clark et al. 2013). When using a direct quote, the chapter, page, page range, or number should also be included in your citation in the following format: (Smith 2013, 65), (Smith 2013, 65-67), or (Smith 2013, chap. 5). Authors who need to cite their own previous work should cite them in the same way as other authors. There is no need to specify if the work is written by the author. Excessive self-citations are strongly discouraged. The only exceptions are in press or forthcoming articles. In those cases, the in-text reference should be (Authors, in press/forthcoming). In addition, individual authors should not be cited excessively (more than five times). For more information on in-text citations please visit the following website:
References. All sources should be listed alphabetically (not numerically) at the end of the manuscript. Multiple entries by the same author should be listed under one name using the 3-em dash method and arranged in a chronological order by their publication year as demonstrated in the Chicago Manual of Style, available here:
For reference formatting, contributors are strongly encouraged to use the e-features embedded in Apple Pages/MS Office Word. A version no earlier than 2010 should be used. To know how to use any Pages/Word feature, including automatic citation, please visit the following links:
- For Apple Pages:; or
- For Windows MS Office Word:
Checks prior to submission: Contributors should check that the following information is supplied in Word format to the editor for each and every research paper before submission: Research paper title, author’s name, institutional affiliation, author’s full institutional addresses and emails, author’s biography (50 words), paper abstract (150 words), and keywords.