BBC Monitoring
An Iranian official in Esfahan Province has said that Esfahan provincial TV has played the biggest role in informing the public.
During a ceremony to mark the anniversary of the publication of the daily Esfahan-e Ziba [Beautiful Esfahan], Esfahan Mayor Saqai'an said that Esfahan is an international tourist destination and this newspaper should improve its international image.
He said that Esfahan's media should be in line with the people's dignity and this newspaper must base its reports on honesty and quality and produce healthy output to gain the people's trust.
The newspaper's manager said, "Today informing people and information dissemination technology are the main criteria."
Hajrasuliha, the head of Islamic Council of Esfahan Province, referred to the importance of media in society and said, "In a survey from Esfahan people, regarding information on the council's activities, it was concluded that the local press had played an effect! ive role in informing the people by 6.4 per cent, radio by 9.4 per cent and Esfahan provincial TV by 51.2 per cent."
Director-general of Esfahan's Ministry of Islamic Culture and Guidance, said publishing various papers in Esfahan will pave the way for information dissemination and interaction of thoughts. Ali Reza Hoseyni added that at the moment there are four newspapers, 22 weeklies, and a total of 100 publications in Esfahan.
Source: Vision of the Islamic Republic of Iran Esfahan Provincial TV, Esfahan, in Persian 1300 gmt 12 Dec 07