BBC Monitoring
The Spanish National Court's conviction of Moroccan nationals in the 2004 Madrid bombings, which killed 191 people and wounded more than 1,800, was largely ignored by the Moroccan press and national news agency.
While the national news agency was not observed to report the verdict, the press carried a number of factual reports on the conviction and the trial. No commentary on the verdict or the bombing, the deadliest attack carried out by Islamist radicals in Europe, was observed.
Assahra al-Maghribia led its story on 1 November by saying that the Spanish court "surprised" the prosecution by acquitting the Egyptian Rabi' Usman "who is considered one of the masterminds of the events".
Similarly, Assabihia noted in its report on 1 November that the acquittal of Usman "surprised everyone". The headline of its report was: "Condemnation of four Moroccan suspects in the 11 March bombings and the acquittal of the Egyptian."
Al-Itihad al-Ichtiraki reminded its readers in its story's lead on 1 November that three Moroccans died alongside the other 188 victims in the blasts on four trains on 11 March 2004.
The Spanish court sentenced two Moroccans and one Spaniard for about 40,000 years in prison. Seven of the 28 on trial were acquitted.
Source: BBC Monitoring research in English 2 Nov 07