BBC Monitoring
Text of report by Iranian news website Norooz on 20 January
Dastranj website, at, has joined the country's electronic media. ["Dastranj" means "product of toil" or "wage".]
The site's director told Norooz: The site has been launched on the basis of a reformist policy and with the aim of transparent news delivery in the current not-very-favourable climate.
He added: On the threshold of the sensitive eighth Majlis elections, by bringing transparency to society's atmosphere, we will try to perform journalists' main duty, which is to deliver accurate information.
The director of Dastranj website said that the site's main policy is to investigate the problems with which the labour community struggles and added: Alongside the problems of the labour community, which are regrettably being neglected by the media these days, we will also try to examine society's political, social and economic concerns.
Norooz would like to congratulate the people involved in running Dastranj and wish them succe! ss in the risk-filled arena of news delivery.
[On 24 December 2007, another reformist website (Emruz) cited E'temad newspaper as saying: "The people who used to run ILNA, the banned news agency, are working to launch a website by the name of Dastranj. The site will replace ILNA. This decision was taken when ILNA's directors gave up hope in having the ban on the Iranian Labour News Agency lifted."]
Source: Iranian news website Norooz, in Persian 20 Jan 08