Beyond Egypt’s “Facebook Revolution” and Syria’s “YouTube Uprising:” Comparing Political Contexts, Actors and Communication Strategies
Sahar Khamis, Paul B. Gold and Katherine Vaughn
‘Not Ready for Democracy:’ Social Networking and the Power of the People--The Revolts of 2011 in a Temporalized Context
Robert Hassan
Private Satellite Channels in Egypt: The Relationship between Ownership and Editorial Policy
Mohamed Nasser
Repetition and Ideology in Nasrallah’s Political Speeches
El Mustapha Lahlali
Al Jazeera Television: Rhetoric of Deflection
Mahmoud R. Al-Sadi
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the Social Media Moment
Nadav Samin
The Scene of the Crime: October 9th, Maspero, and Egyptian Journalism after the Revolution
Maurice Chammah
A Proposal for a Dialogue on Media Reform
Mahmoud Ghozlan
Technology Cannot a Revolution Make: Nas-book not Facebook
Nabil Dajani
Book Review: Muslim Rap, Halal Soaps and Revolutionary Theater: Artistic Developments in the Muslim World
Mark LeVine
Remembering Anthony Shadid’s Craft and Conscience
Rami G. Khouri