مقدمة يقول ديفيد روي (Rowe 2004) في كتابه المعروف الثالوث الصعب: الرياضة، والثقافة، ووسائل الإعلام: "في جميع أنحاء العالم وعلى اتساع مناطق الكرة الأرضية باختلاف توقيتاتها، يشترك الناس ذوو الثقافات واللغات والديانات والأيديولوجيات المختلفة والمتباينة في خبرات يومية متشابهة.. إنها الاهتمام بالرياضة وأخبارها، التي تتضمن أفرادًا وفرقًا وأندية وجماعات يجتمعون معا …
اقرا المزيد »The Integration of Politics and Sports in Lebanon
Abstract In Lebanon, sports have been heavily linked to politics and religion. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of politics on Lebanese sports in the two most prominent sports fields, football and basketball, using the Spiral of Silence and the Two-Step theories investigated through a mixed …
Read More »The Role of Social Media in Developing Interests in Sports Among Arab Women
Abstract This paper examines the impact of social media in developing Arab women’s interest in sports. A survey questionnaire based on the uses and gratification theory was distributed to 411 Arab women from different age groups, education levels, and employment statuses. In analyzing the results to explore the participants’ motivation …
Read More »Tunisia Olympics Roundup
August 22, 2016—In honor of the closing ceremonies of the 2016 Olympic Games yesterday, we are revisiting Tunisia’s good and bad moments. Tunisia’s star-struck media veered dramatically to re-center the spotlight on three unlikely bronze medalists, whose groundbreaking performances outshone national heroes.
Read More »SNRT to Broadcast Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games
August 4, 2016—Morocco’s National Society of Radio and Television (SNRT) will publicly broadcast the 2016 Olympic Games from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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